The Piersons · December 23, 2019 0

Noemi’s first day of school sent Nadia into a reflective state. Motherhood was a surprise. Like most young women just starting out in life, it was on her list of things to do but way at the bottom. She was ambitious and looked forward to making strides in the world of politics. Then, Victor happened. She excelled in her career, and that vision of family life her parents had for her (and she low-key wanted it too) drifted further and further away. But, after years of the arrangement with Victor, she realized she’d never have anything she wanted. She’d never make it to the top because Victor would never step aside. Marriage and family seemed unattainable while sleeping with him. At least, she wouldn’t settle for just anyone. But, then she met Kameron, and he was perfect. He was the type of man she could introduce proudly to her parents. Everything had to work out with him if she wanted to get away from Victor. She came on a bit stronger than she needed to and played the perfect girlfriend role well. But, it wasn’t an act. At least not completely. She liked him a great deal, and fitting herself into his life came naturally. But, becoming part of Kameron’s life had so many nuances she did not expect like being a mother figure to a sweet little girl. Suddenly, all those hidden dreams of motherhood came out from hiding, showing her what she wanted deep down. Then, a while later, she expected her first child unexpectedly. An even longer time later, she and Kameron planned to have her second. Despite how her life began, and the doubts she had, it turned out exactly the way she wanted with a beautiful home, a gorgeous man who loved her like no one else, and three children who made her proud beyond measure. She didn’t always do things right, but she must have done one thing incredibly well to deserve such a wonderful life.