The Piersons · September 1, 2021 0

Ok, my DIY friends! I think I have my ducks in a row. And if not, oh well! 😅 We’re doing this thing next weekend! We’ll kick off on Friday, September 10th, and depending on how many DIYs I have to reblog, we’ll go through the weekend until I get everyone in!

If you need the instructions again, or don’t know what this is about, please see the original post.

Just to be clear, you may start posting your DIY red carpet and movie premiere posts on Friday, Sept. 10!! 

I’ll probably start reblogging late afternoon and will sprinkle them in between my posts, so don’t fret if you don’t see yours right away. Make sure to tag me and use #NickMoviePremiere to make sure I see them all. I can’t wait for this!