The Piersons · March 12, 2020 0

Part 2

“A little while later, I looked up and there she was dancing a few feet in front of me! She was so beautiful. Believe it or not, I’d never seen her before. I knew of her, of course, but I’m not really into following celebrities like that. Plus, I’m a dude. What do I look like watching her makeup tips videos? But, it wasn’t just her beauty that struck me. There was something else I can’t really explain. She was dancing alone, not trying to draw attention to herself, and looked like she was enjoying the moment even though everyone was staring and whispering. I don’t know, Mr. Pierson. I can’t explain it, but she was just so interesting to me. Like, I knew what people said about her, but somehow I knew she wasn’t like that. I had to meet her.”


“When I finally got the courage to go to her, she was sitting in the corner alone. She looked sad! I just … I don’t know. I wanted to be her friend. We talked for a little while, but then she had to go. She seemed happier; it felt good. When I got back to campus, I had to know more about her so I looked her up. I listened to her music. You know we don’t really do classical in The View, but I felt it. All the joy and pain she put into the songs…I felt it! I was like, man…this girl is real.”


“I did watch a few of her videos, though. [blushing] I wanted to see her again but was too afraid to call so I watched them. After a while, it seemed silly to pop up out the blue. She probably wouldn’t remember me anyway. But, she did. I called after her mom died. We’ve been friends ever since.” 

“I watch her with her fans—even the creeps. She’s so respectful and kind to them. Heh, even when she’s telling them to step off. Many celebrities out here are so fake, you know? They’ll smile in your face and donate millions of dollars while they have affairs or are raging alcoholics. Melany is genuinely amazing. Inside and out. And she’s funny too!”
