The Piersons · April 5, 2021 0

Phew! You had us worried, Mel. Glad that’s over. Now to get things straight with Anissa and see what Mel will do about Yvonne.

Fun Fact: Zombie school is real! I had a class with a girl who was a recurring zombie on The Walking Dead (it’s filmed here in Atlanta, if you didn’t know), and she said before they ever got on set they had to go to zombie school to learn how to be a zombie. Their first lesson was how to move as a zombie. They are slow. You’ve never seen a running zombie. (Wouldn’t “Running Zombies” make a great band name?? 🤣) They also have a herd mentality. You typically see them in groups and less frequently by themselves. I think she said this training went on for like two weeks!