themelanyp Baby sis is not a baby anymore! 😭 Can’t believe she’ll be in university next year!!
nissanissa It’s that time already??????? HAMMERCY!! Them university boys ain’t gonna know what to do with themselves!!
mrspierson2u My babies ❤
stan4mel All of you are so beautiful!!! How do you live?!
antoria ❤
delperro Oh wow she’s that old? What is time??
mercedesn Awwww! I remember seeing her briefly when you first arrived at Britechester. She was just a baby then! Now look at her! Not so tiny queen!
jamminontheone Okay little sis she stands on the shoulders of giants she got the whole world in her hands thats whats up much love to the fam enjoy yourselves one love
drbossbabe Awwww baby sis! Everyone was the same way about me when I flew the coop. It’s so hard being the youngest. It’s like everyone sees you as 12 years old forever! 😂 My brothers still can’t believe I’m a mom now. And my sister talks to me like I’m 5. 😑
klassy Hey y’all! It’s been a minute. Happy Harvestfest!
twinkletoes She’s like your mini me even though you don’t look alike