The Piersons · May 31, 2024 0

Safe space

I love these little family moments they’ve been having. These conversations are so warm and snuggly and seem to be doing her some good. It kinda sucks that Nate didn’t experience much of this. Melany too, to a certain extent. It’s no one’s fault, really. Kameron was still working then and was gone most nights, so these family dinners were rare. Plus Nate was in the I hate this family phase for the majority of his teen days, so maybe he wouldn’t have appreciated it but still. The youngest always gets the softer parents. Hmph!

But can we discuss Kameron for a second?? It’s no wonder this man was so good at his job. To work in intelligence you have to be reeeeeeeeeally good at reading people, and this dude reads his children so well! He knew he had to play to her ego a tiny bit to get his point across. Genius!