The Piersons · September 21, 2019 0

“She’s my baby girl. I just … I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to her.”

“I understand. I do. But, you can’t monitor her like some suspect. Stuff happens, babe. You can’t prevent everything. And, babies grow up. You have to let it happen.”

He groaned. “Why is it so hard?”

“That’s life, Kam. But, I get why it’s harder for you. You’re in the military, and your job is it protect people. I mean, you saved an entire city from a disaster! You see and think about things none of us would ever consider. I hate to say it, but it makes you a little paranoid.”

She was such a wise woman. Thank goodness he decided to do life with her.

“No, you’re right,” he said. “You’re exactly right. I’m so sorry, Nadia. I didn’t really mean to imply–”

“I know you didn’t. We don’t have to–”

“Please, let me finish. You’re a great mom to Melany. Everyone knows that. What you said about my background … You’re right. I think it’s that and the fact that it was just me and her for so long. Brytani was barely any help. I’ve always been the one to make the decisions. I dunno. It’s weird. On one hand, I love that I don’t have to do it all alone anymore. But on the other hand, sometimes I feel like I have to. It has nothing to do with you, I swear. Just something I need to get over.”


“Will you forgive me?”

“Of course.”