themelanyp She accused me of out slaying her. I COULD NEVER!! 😭❤😭❤😭
nissanissa I shoulda came to your house!! We could have had made it a real competition!! If I ever out slay Queen Nadia, y’all won’t be able to tell me NOTHING!!
drbossbabe What, and miss Churchill family mess?? You right. 🤣
mrspierson2u At some point the student must surpass the teacher. Congratulations, missy.
themelanyp 😭😭😭😭😭😭
nissanissa GIRL!! You just received your inheritance!! YOU are the queen now!!
themelanyp Nooooooo take it back! I don’t want this mantle!
mrspierson2u You girls are funny. One day you will be queen. But that is not this day. 😏
themelanyp 🤣
delperro You guys make me feel so regular LOL
stan4mel OMW You and your mom are so beautiful!!! I’m glad you’re having a good time and that you are safe and warm. Happy Harvestfest!!
antoria ❤
mercedesn Gorgeous!
jamminontheone Ayyyyye love seeing beautiful sistas and tight families that’s what it’s all about happy turkey day to ya I’m grateful for love good health success and I’d be grateful for a chance to show you what I can do ha ha ha enjoy the rest of your trip one love
napdadragon Wait, so where do I fit in this royal lineage?
mrspierson2u Right next to me, baby. 😘
natethegreat Don’t tell her that
aliceinstrangerville AHHHHH!! You ladies are stunning! We need to get our calendars together and schedule some girl time!
themelanyp Hi Alice!! I’d love to see you!
msjackson Nadia Pierson is my idol!! She is the queen now and forever more!
fashionisha I love it!! I can’t call a winner here, but it’s been fun watching your style evolve over the years. You are definitely coming into your own!
themelanyp Yaaaaas msjackson
themelanyp fashionisha ❤❤❤❤😭