The Piersons · August 7, 2019 0

Sometimes, Kameron looks at his “trophy” and thinks about all he went through to even discover the mystery of Strangerville. It took more than that to assemble a team and defeat Mother. Thank the Watcher they were able to do it and cure everyone. But what did he get? A few trinkets and spoiled cupcakes in the mail. Moving away from Strangerville proved how confined small town life is. Most people didn’t even know there was a problem and that he solved it.

But, just as the resentment sets in, he thinks about Melany and how much she’s accomplished in her young life. She was born in Strangerville. What if he ignored the craziness? What if he left it up to the military? Would Melany be healthy today? That’s when he remembers why he got involved. Not for fame or for people to know his name, but simply because someone had to do something. He wanted a safer, healthier place to live for himself, his neighbors, and their futures.

Kameron’s future turned out exactly the way he wanted with a child he couldn’t be more proud of, a beautiful woman he loved who loved him back, money in the bank, and a gorgeous home. Life was amazing, and it didn’t matter who else knew about it.