The Piersons · March 25, 2020 0

The final note lingered in the air like smoke after fireworks. Everyone held their applause until the sound dissipated into silence. A great wave of praise crested on her like the tide at sundown. Her legs stiffened to anchor herself against the tremendous cacophony. Music was already her greatest form of healing, but adding the emotions of a room full of appreciative listeners was overwhelming. So, she stood firm, thanking everyone, trying to keep her own emotions at bay.

As tiny as Noemi was in a sea of adults, she was very easy to spot in her sparkly red dress. She was crying and pointing at the stage. Nadia shook her head and whispered something. The poor child was so happy she wanted to run on stage and be with her sister. Melany beckoned for her, and she stood confidently in the spotlight as if she’d been doing it her whole life.