The Piersons · January 14, 2020 0

The Tea Finale

Nadia stared at her like a foreigner trying to piece her words together. “Wow. I didn’t know you were so tormented, Mel.”

Responsibility, good manners, compassion and controlled emotions were blessings and curses. Lately, they felt more like a curse—like being trapped inside her own body screaming to get out. 

“You have no idea. That’s why I gravitated toward music. I have all these feelings I’m not comfortable communicating for fear of being misunderstood or people taking it the wrong way. Everything I say ends up on some blog somewhere, so I have to be careful. But with music, I can pour everything into a song, and no one has to know what it means.”

Nadia nodded like things had slowly come together. “And that’s why you keep everything close to the vest?”

“Pretty much. But, sometimes I do want to say what I feel without worrying about what people will do with it. That’s what’s cool about Nick. I can say whatever I want and he won’t trip.”

“Ooooh you sound like you’re in love already!”

“I don’t know about that.”

Nadia swatted at her. “Girl, you don’t know anything! Last time we talked about this, you couldn’t even admit y’all had left the friend zone and now you’re talking about sucking face in the snow!”

Melany laughed, shaking her head at her crazy step-mom. “You’re a mess, Nadia.”

“Speaking of messes…” 

Her beautiful smile vanished. Melany got scared. 

“You should get on The Pill. Immediately.”

WHOA. How did they get from gushing over a first kiss to “the talk?” 

“But … We’re not … I don’t know if…”

“Melany, listen to me. You’re still very young, but you are a grown woman. Soon enough, you’ll want to do more than just make out. You need to get prepared, Missy. I don’t want you bringing any babies around here until you’re ready for them. And, I don’t want your daddy in jail for the rest of his life.”