The Piersons · January 13, 2020 0

The Tea Part I

“HE KISSED YOU?!!??!?!!?!?! GIRL!!! When did this happen???”

She reacted exactly how Melany imagined from her large, bright eyes down to her posture.

“Last night.”

Admitting it made it real. Before, if she thought about it hard enough, she could convince herself she only dreamed of kissing Nick. Now, it was out in the world and made her nervous. This marked a new chapter in her life. Fear of the unknown was natural, but it still gave her pause.

Nadia leaned in with a mischievous smile plastered on her face. “Was there tongue?”

Heat rushed to her cheeks like lava in a volcano. If only her skin weren’t so fair. “Nadia!”

“Well? Was there?”

Flashbacks of their lips massaging each other, and his hand on her hip, planted a bashful grin on her face. “Yeah.”

“Ooooh, Mel! So … Did you like it?”

She blushed so bad she couldn’t maintain eye contact anymore. “Yeah.”