adolting gen 1

November 18, 2020


This fool strolled in the bathroom, all jolly and innocent, and asked how potty training was going. There is a tiny sim who knows only of pooping on herself, and...

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November 17, 2020


I hate that the nursery is upstairs. It makes me nervous when I leave her up there by herself, but I know it’s good for her development. Playtime is key...

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November 17, 2020


My baby is getting so big! I can’t even call her a baby anymore, but she’s still my baby. She will always be my baby. Every day, she looks more...

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November 16, 2020


Anaya and Jules finally made it over. Even in her sleep Emerald mesmerizes sims. Can you say future boss babe?? Izzy came over later. He totally ignored Winston. We’re gonna...

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November 16, 2020


Although staying in the house all day is not my thing, I’m kind of enjoying working from the house. Running up and down the stairs to see my new favorite...

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November 15, 2020


I love Emmy with all my heart. It’s so weird to know a sim for such a short time but be completely in love with her. I want her to...

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November 15, 2020


I think he’s mad about the name thing. He tried to be cool and asked nonchalantly about it, but later I caught him stewing at the bar. Well then! If...

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November 14, 2020


Winston wasn’t able to get off early and arrived home at his normal time. I was so angry about him missing the birth of his first and possibly only child....

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November 14, 2020


I woke up feeling unsettled. Not in a bad way, but… Well, if you knew a whole sim was about to come out of your body at any moment, you’d be...

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November 13, 2020


I had a good laugh today at randomly realizing I have never seen Winston bake. He’s never offered me homemade goods, and his house never smelled like fresh-baked anything. Honestly,...

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