adolting gen 1

October 22, 2020


One night, as I cleaned the kitchen and considered retiring for the night, a gentle knock startled me. I leaned back from the sink to peek at whoever requested my...

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October 21, 2020


My best friend, Anaya Jang, only ever used the words “I need to talk” when it was serious. They are my cue to drop whatever I’m doing and rush to...

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October 20, 2020


Sometimes, the pain of my past crashes on me like a wave, as if it happened yesterday. It’s amazing how emotions work. One minute, everything is great. I’m healthier and...

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October 19, 2020

1.3 Winter Fashion

Tee hee hee. Such a sassy lady. Here’s the text for easier reading… Living in the islands, I sometimes forget how cold spring can be in other parts of the...

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October 18, 2020

1.2 Live Life Loud

I am Amina Pope, and this is my story. Isn’t it funny how the very thing that crushes you is the same thing you’ll later use to win? The forces...

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October 17, 2020

1.1 Hello!

Hey y’all! If you don’t mind—and even if you do lol—we’re gonna take a brief detour from the Piersons, Franklins, Rodney and them. I have a lot on my plate...

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