adolting gen 2

May 18, 2021


Hello, first trimester. We meet again.  😑😑😑  I can’t say I missed this. It was such a beautiful, warm spring day, and Mommy kicked us out of the house and...

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May 18, 2021


When Ali came home, I ran to catch him before he went upstairs to surprise him with my no longer flat belly. But when I saw him, his face was...

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May 17, 2021


My initial reaction was to tense up and brace for another heated fight. But despite what Dwayne suggested, I still saw Laurant as a friend. He clearly still holds me...

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May 17, 2021


While Mommy got high on new baby scent, I got on with my chores. Just as I was putting out the trash, Laurant was knocking on the door! I didn’t...

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April 30, 2021


I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant. It’s been really nice having Mommy around, taking care of Luca so we can sleep and get stuff done. Ali and I have been taking...

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April 29, 2021


One evening, as I finished my dinner, I saw Mommy moping through the house. I didn’t even need to ask what was wrong. I expected this day for a while,...

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April 29, 2021


Eventually we all tore ourselves away from the little guy and let him sleep. Poor thing. He was so cranky because he just wanted to get 40 winks while we...

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April 28, 2021


We got to the hospital, fully intending to wait around for the contractions to get closer. But the doctor said I was ready to give birth immediately and rushed me...

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April 28, 2021


I made it halfway through breakfast before the labor pains started. Like, knowing I was due at any second, it was still so sudden. No warning signal. No heads up....

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April 27, 2021


Mommy upset me. Like, really, really upset me. I took a shower, hoping the warm water would soothe me. It didn’t. I grabbed Shiloh and went for a walk against...

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