adolting gen 2

April 9, 2021


After the baby talk, Jaron wanted to know what we were doing in the harbor anyway. Hmph. Petty and nosy. I squared my shoulders and puffed up my chest as I...

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April 9, 2021


After the horticulture lesson, we went to the community center to find everything else. Ali showed me all the dyes and pointed out the difference between the soy and bees’...

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April 8, 2021


Ali wasn’t lying when he said the Willow Creek maker’s space was much nicer than the community center in Evergreen Harbor. Wowzas! It was the biggest, most glamorous and modern...

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April 8, 2021


Shiloh had her own ways of expressing her displeasure in something…or someone. Most of the time she simply ignored the situation and reminded me she was my first love. I’d...

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March 27, 2021


Ali washed dishes after Mommy left, and I buried my face in his back. He asked what was the matter. Her comment about losing her friends and her time coming...

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March 27, 2021


It was way too early in the afternoon for all the carrying on we did. But we were a jubilant bunch who had so much to celebrate. You couldn’t tell...

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March 27, 2021


I woke up dancing. This was both the best and worst year of my life. But at midnight, I’d get to close out this year and welcome a brand new...

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March 26, 2021


The first day was a bust, as one could imagine. 😏 It felt like we were both trying to make up for lost time in that “where have you been all...

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