Waaazzuuuuuuuup! I’m Jes2G, but you may call me Jess. Here are just a few fun facts about me. I love writing, orange, Asian food, gospel music, singing, sipping tea, chewing gum, creating sims, and did I mention writing? This is a backup blog for my Simblr. Happy reading!
Sooooooo…I invited Ali to join us for our Harvestfest feast! Annnnnd I didn’t tell Mommy I had a plus one. She’s gonna be so mad. But once she sees him,...
I woke up dancing. I danced in the shower. I danced while I dressed. I was waaaaaay too excited about hanging with Ali. We had a fun day filled with...
Most of my friends and ex-friends were in attendance, and my night out felt more like a high school reunion. I hadn’t seen many of them since my birthday, but...
“You’re really gorgeous,” someone with my voice said. He blushed and said thank you, making him even more gorgeous. There’s nothing worse than a sim who thinks his own handsomeness...