3.96 Mighty good man
Emmy had been giving Ali some serious looks all night. He and Luca got nervous when she got up to toast.
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Emmy had been giving Ali some serious looks all night. He and Luca got nervous when she got up to toast.
Alessia arrives, and Ali makes it very clear what he wants from her.
Luca sees the wedding venue for the first time and shares a tender moment with his father.
As the dinner wraps up, everyone wants to salute the happy couple.
Luca finally finds a moment to speak with his dad and ask a very important question.
The Murillo family enjoy a nice afternoon of feasting, family, fun, and presents.
Luca and Sophia arrive at Emmy’s just in time for dinner and to find Ali and Dwayne in a weird situation.
Luca and Sophia hurry to Ali’s house to share the good news.