Ali Murillo
3.53 New digs
Luca checks out his new home and breaks this sudden and crazy news to Ali.
3.49 What in the world
Luca and Ali spend Harvestfest with the neighbors and discover unsettling habits about them.
3.48 Juggling
Luca wakes up a new man and wonders how he’s going to manage relationships with all his friends.
3.45 Checking in
Emmy checks in, and Chi Chi invites Luca and Ali to Harvestfest dinner.
3.40 Chin up
Luca doesn’t have the best day, and an offer from a friend makes it worse.
3.39 Baby’s first date
Luca’s growling stomach leads him to an impromptu date with his mysterious friend.
3.38 Yuppies
The Murillo boys enjoy a refreshing run in the sun, followed by “tea” with the neighbor.
3.36 Keep it casual
Luca has a follow up question from receiving Ali’s gift.
3.35 Essentials
Luca and Ali have a candid conversation about dating. Ali gives him more fatherly advice and a mysterious gift.