Waaazzuuuuuuuup! I’m Jes2G, but you may call me Jess. Here are just a few fun facts about me. I love writing, orange, Asian food, gospel music, singing, sipping tea, chewing gum, creating sims, and did I mention writing? This is a backup blog for my Simblr. Happy reading!
I did little for the rest of the day. Mostly cried in bed, thinking over my life and choices. Admittedly, having the time and space to do that without interruption...
Ali broke the news to Luca at dinner. As one could imagine, he didn’t react well to learning this was his last night in the only home he’d ever known....
When Luca came home, I wanted to celebrate this new chapter of his life, especially since I failed to do so this morning. My parents always made sure I did...
We had a fairly nice, drama-free dinner. Well…mostly. Toddler drama doesn’t count. I don’t know if it’s because Alessia has a strong-willed personality or what, but it’s been harder to...
Billie hung out with me for the rest of the afternoon, which was nice. I enjoyed having adult, non-judgmental company. Too bad I couldn’t escape the judgment going on inside...
When Shiloh and I arrived back home, I found Ali fuming on the porch. He was furious to find our children home alone and looked like he wanted to douse...
Sleeping alone was so incredibly hard. Not because I need Ali’s body next to me to sleep well, but because his absence was a perpetual reminder of how badly I...
My throat was super dry, and I couldn’t stop swallowing. This encounter was NOT going as I planned! He continued glaring at me for a few minutes before pacing the...
Once he assessed I was physically fine, he let me have it. Naturally, he wanted to know where I’d been and why I didn’t answer him. Although he told me...