So sorry for the epic post. I couldn’t see how to break this one up. Although this glowing endorsement comes from yet another biased party, Loren is not Melany, so...
Anissa Thurston
These girls lol. Melany could only have this kind of relationship with Anissa. As Jorden said, she is definitely one of a kind.
Melany and the crew went to the summer bash at the Chalet Gardens. She even let little sis tag along.
Awwwww! Well that ended well. Here’s to new friends and another friend date.
You can read about their first meeting here if you don’t get the reference. I’m glad she was able to get a smile out of him.
Despite Anissa’s reservations about befriending Jorden, she couldn’t deny that, a.) he was FINE, and b.) he was fun to hang out with. Against her better judgment, she changed clothes....
Oooooh, breakfast date! Friend date, of course. Don’t tell Mel. Anissa looks like she can fight. She’s from those San My skreetz, so I don’t doubt it LOL.
😂 Living with Anissa is like living with a drill sargent lol. When he does do it, she better not take the credit either!