HA! Let him know, Mel. Don’t be a woman who puts up with things she doesn’t like just for the attention.
Branden Wilkes
Mel is like it’s so convenient how her friends randomly show up when she’s talking to a dude. I agree lol. Errbody watching!
The boys of Wynvern Hall had an impromptu dance party while Melany worked on her final presentation. Maybe it’s how they processed information.
What I want to know is how are they close enough to have a secret handshake when, a.) she JUST enrolled in school like 2 days ago, b.) they go...
UBrite lost to Foxbury 0-4. Everybody left the stadium in poor spirits. Melany saw the one roommate she hadn’t met up ahead and ran up to meet him.
“Hey….who’s that girl everyone’s falling over? [gasp] “You don’t know???? It’s Melany Pierson!” (yes…I forgot to type the captions lol)