Yeah…I do too, kinda. It’s nice to hear Brytani’s feelings since she’s largely been a part-time parent.
Brytani Cho
Melany had a ball with her mother watching the NYE pre-show. The woman is all snark and no filter.
Kameron and Nadia finally got around to discussing what to do about Melany. Nadia voted to let her go because all the guilty feelings were enough punishment. Kameron personally thinks lying...
Previously, Nadia told Brytani about Melany being sick, so Brytani came by to check on her. Naturally, Nadia also told her Melany’s cover story so they could all be on...
While we wait to see who Brytani is trying to hook up Melany with, she got her and her girlfriends into an exclusive party in Windenburg. At the Ancient Ruins!...
I’m scared LOL. We are totally doing this! Let’s see who Mom wants to hook her up with!
11:24 p.m. Melany was glad to see her mother, but she knew it was too late for her to visit. Nadia was asleep already, so she let her in and...