Francine Eason

October 9, 2020

Francine and her stories! 😂 Welp! This is it for Rodney’s rotation. I don’t know about you but even with having a few days without posts, I feel like we...

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September 24, 2020

Ok, Rodney! #growth For those of you just joining us, Rodney is a playboy. He’ll do just about anyone who’s willing. Randos at clubs, friends, his employees… SMH. Alondra is...

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September 23, 2020

Don’t you know, Rodney? Moms always know! FYI, I don’t intend to continue posting one a day, but I’m just stretching them out right now since I haven’t been able...

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October 24, 2019

Uh oh. I pulled out my big gun, and she pulled out hers lol. Watch out, Rodney. Francine is like, it’s cool you have a son and all, but don’t...

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