If someone could explain how I managed to skip an entire scene, I’d be grateful. For those who were thinking there should have been more to the daddy-daughter date, you...
Kameron Pierson
I’m glad Kameron isn’t acquainted with any of @ladybugsimblr‘s characters. I’m not quite sure what he’ll do if he finds out the government resurrected Mother and someone else is fighting...
HA!! Kam finally got her lol. No witty comeback. You know what they say… If you can’t stand the heat… The Piersons have been planning a vacation to Mt. Komorebi...
Noemi shares Kameron’s (and Mel’s) love of carbs, and Nadia is still on them about it. What better way is there to show the kid you love her by giving...
Now that Kameron is retired, he spends much of his free time reflecting on the past. Throughout Mel’s childhood, he was often led by guilt and felt like he always...
You know… I love this, but I hope they’ll show this same level of support if one of the other kids are ever in crisis. Jess sayin… ☕
Oop! It’s not often Kameron gets the last word. I know one thing… I’m getting dizzy watching Nadia flip back and forth between #TeamNick and #TeamFreedom. First she was excited...
I knew Kam would come through. I just hope she’ll really be ok and will find her own way to get through this.