Nadia is LOVING mainland living. She was so excited about the gym, she invited the whole family. Noemi tried the punching bag with her mother’s guidance. Nadia made sure to...
Kameron Pierson
Nadia appreciates Kameron’s capacity to be jealous has not diminished with age.
Kam may be an old man now, but he’ll never put down the video games. It’s Pierson family rainy day tradition! Nadia even joined him, much to his surprise.
Kam is a chill, simple guy and wanted a low-key birthday party with just the family. (translation: I’m over sim parties LOL) Noemi is not a fan of the celebrity...
Kameron couldn’t sing if you paid him, but he did his best to wish his baby girl happy birthday. She enjoyed it very much. Nadia, well…
Kameron took some time to reflect on Noemi’s life thus far and speculated on her future. The sky is the limit for her.
This child!! 🤣 Look at Kameron acting like an old pro lol. So, ummmm, it was Egg Day. Game-wise, it sucked like Spooky Day so I didn’t take any pics....
Nadia still loves messing with Kameron regarding Melany’s sexuality. Good to know things have not changed lol.