Kameron noticed Melany getting distracted, so he peeked over her shoulder to see who she was texting. He couldn’t see much, but he did see a dude’s face. 😂
Kameron Pierson
Heh, me too, Kameron. Me too. SO! Melany will be returning to school in the fall (which is the next post lol). While she’s been home, I got her that...
Heh, me too, Kameron. Me too. SO! Melany will be returning to school in the fall (which is the next post lol). While she’s been home, I got her that...
Tee hee hee Since Brytani is no longer with us, I’ll let Noemi’s text be red because I’m running out of colors that work well lol.
Oh my goodness I can’t believe I didn’t cover the SA Awards! Melany didn’t win, but she sure slayed the red carpet! She was kind of relieved she did win...
Girl, don’t be leaving the house without telling people! That’s how folks turn up missing! Like the idiots in the woods! 😂 This text is so conveniently vague lol.
A month went by after the funeral. Life was in no way normal, but just when Melany had begun getting used to her new normal, she received some news that...