Nadia’s like bring on the awkward encounters in the shower LOL. She’s trying her darndest to erase Mel’s innocence.
Kameron Pierson
AU Hair Meme / Hair Meme Tag Thing With No Name featuring: Kameron Pierson Post your fave sim(s) in 4 new hairstyles that you always wanted to try out or see...
Part II “So, you joined the military and saved Strangerville so you could protect people how you wanted to be protected?” He hadn’t thought of it that way before, but...
Part I Vulnerability didn’t come easy. Kameron experienced more than his fair share of violent gales and teeming rain. Sometimes, it seemed the storms would never end, so he built...
Here we go! This is going to be a long story. I’ve divided it into two longer posts.
Here we go! This is going to be a long story. I’ve divided it into two longer posts.
Kameron was on edge all day. The poor man had so much on his mind lately. Surely a distraction would help. Luckily the kids were glued to the TV. Or,...