All was quiet at the Pierson residence. The youngest lady played responsibly not too far away from the oldest lady who tucked herself away next to her strong, handsome hubs....
Kameron Pierson
All was quiet at the Pierson residence. The youngest lady played responsibly not too far away from the oldest lady who tucked herself away next to her strong, handsome hubs....
Man. I think she’s been holding that in for several minutes, heh. The people we admire and look up to may appear to live charmed lives with their big smiles...
This woman STAYS in the gym and is like what baby weight? Maybe Kameron gained it for her… 🤣
Bringing a new life into the world is an exciting and emotional time. Looking into his new daughter’s face, Kameron’s constantly reminded of Melany’s toddler days. She and Noemi are...
Kameron looks mesmerized already lol. Welcome to the family little Miss Noemi!! I can see already she’s got Kam’s lips. This is the closest to a baby we’re gonna get...
#TownieBae works at the hospital now! I was hoping these two would run into each other one day lol. Maybe again sometime in a casual place. It’s just always interesting...