Kameron Pierson
You know what grinds Kameron’s gears? For the most part, he doesn’t mind the paparazzi. They mostly only swarm around at special events or when he is by himself. But...
It’s been forever since the Piersons went out to eat and even longer since Kameron ate at his favorite restaurant. Eric Lewis is still there and still rude. And, Kameron...
Yeah…I do too, kinda. It’s nice to hear Brytani’s feelings since she’s largely been a part-time parent.
“He didn’t tell you that? Hmph.” Kameron tried really hard not to let his mind wander, thinking about what may have happened while he’s away. He knew Nadia. She was crazy...
“I need to ask you about something else,” he said. “What’s up?” “What does Victor keep coming around here for?” He felt her shifting in her seat. “What do you mean?”...
“She’s my baby girl. I just … I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to her.” “I understand. I do. But, you can’t monitor her like some suspect....
Nadia took a breath and began their twisty tale. “You were already gone. Brytani called and told me about this party. It was a last-minute thing and sounded like a nice...