Kameron Pierson
Second Guessing
Kameron and Myron discuss how retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Feelings Pt. 4
Where did you go wrong, you say? Usually right around here lol. Kam and Nadia’s default defense is always “duck and cover” when it comes to Noemi lol. I can feel...
Feelings Pt. 3
I’d love to say this looks like the start of Nadia being more open, but you never know with this woman. I’m glad Kam poked the bear though. I don’t...
Feelings Pt. 2
Please don’t hurt my boo bear. 😂 Dang…two looks in one night! Kam is a brave man LOL.
Feelings Pt. 1
Kam. Bruh. Sir. Are you sure you want to do this? It’s been a while since we’ve seen ol girl in her garden. In case you forgot, gardening is very...
The News Pt. 4
Leave it to Kameron to put some nice icing on the cake. What do you think about Nadia?