Kenya Hoskins

August 1, 2019

“Ok, look…I’ll get straight to the point because I hate wasting time. I like you. You have substance…principles. I agreed with everything you said on the show, and…well…I felt a...

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August 1, 2019

Bryce is his own man. Strong. Confident. He’s not looking to play games anymore. But, when Kenya calls and demands his presence with not even a hint, he can’t help...

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July 30, 2019

Look at Kenya tryna claim her man LOL. Not mad. I think Bryce would go for a spicy, smart mouthed chick like her.

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July 10, 2019

“I really need to get back home, so ummmm…how ‘bout next time we run into each other, we do it on purpose?” She eyes him up and down. “They say don’t trust...

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July 9, 2019

“So, what brings you down here all suited up? Are one of these sellers a suspect?” she asked. “Nah. I recently bought a house. Thinking about redecorating, but…doesn’t look like...

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July 9, 2019

“Careful, now. I could make you disappear if I feel like you’re stalking me.”

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July 7, 2019

Kameron decided to go jogging in his new friends’ neighborhood and almost ran into this woman. “You should watch where you’re going,” she said. Kameron smirked. “I’m watching.”

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