Brent looks like “Dear Watcher…they’re back,” and the Franklins look like “yeah we back!” After the twins were born, Bryce and Kenya saw how quickly their date nights would fade into non-existence....
life after the bc
Prince makes decent grades, but he’s definitely not getting into any distinguished programs at Britechester. Kenya says he needs to use his time with Noemi wisely instead of being holed...
The twins cornered Fetu in J.T.’s room. They look like they’re asking invasive questions in rapid fire lol. Do you have a house? How much money do you make? Do...
Homework time with the younger kids goes soooo much smoother than with Cy at their age. Kenya likes for them to do homework together so she can help them all...
The twins are older but still very young and don’t quite understand the whole butler situation yet. I think they wake up thinking one day he’ll be gone lol.
Bryce creates all his masterpieces at the crack of dawn. Neither he nor Melany got another pet after their babies died. I might get Mel another cat one day, though.