lily pancakes

February 18, 2020

Melany should have thrown the shower a little earlier, but they were all so busy. Luckily, they got her to the hospital in time to deliver a healthy baby girl!

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December 17, 2019

Later that night, Melany invited her girlfriends over to watch the season premier of Peach is the New Black. Afterward, they went upstairs for some juice pong. Mel sucked at...

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December 14, 2019

What I want to know is how are they close enough to have a secret handshake when, a.) she JUST enrolled in school like 2 days ago, b.) they go...

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December 11, 2019

In my mind, Lily is kind of a brat. That’s what she gets for naming herself after one of my characters from a previous story lol. But, seriously though, I...

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November 27, 2019

Mel got selfies with all her little girlfriends to put on her wall at school. Little Miss Pancakes was mad because her parents are keeping her at home this semester.

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