Melany Pierson

September 12, 2020

Oh Nadia lol. She may be brazen and outspoken when it comes to Melany’s sex life, but she was scared to talk to her too at first. She didn’t get...

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September 8, 2020

Noemi’s first order of business after getting settled in was visiting her sister. No parents. No brother. Just unadulterated sister time.

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September 6, 2020

Kam is a chill, simple guy and wanted a low-key birthday party with just the family. (translation: I’m over sim parties LOL) Noemi is not a fan of the celebrity...

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September 2, 2020

Ahhh, I get it now. She does pay attention in counseling but doesn’t apply anything when she’s around Kam lol. Nadia’s been preaching this week!

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