Oy. This has blown completely out of proportion! It’s bringing out some issues that need to be addressed though.
Nadia Gray
Oh Kam. No you didn’t! You know what’s crazy about this? This whole argument is based on a story. It’s not even real! LOL Nadia is sticking to this thing...
Previously, Nadia told Brytani about Melany being sick, so Brytani came by to check on her. Naturally, Nadia also told her Melany’s cover story so they could all be on...
Melany recants her night while Nadia is conflicted about her role in it. She wants her to have fun and enjoy life, but Melany also needs a mom mom. But then...
Lucky for Nadia, Melany needs to mentor people in music to complete her aspiration! (I can’t believe this girl is not even halfway through her teen days and almost done...
So, Melany is such a teenager right now whining about how unfair life is yadayadayada. Nadia took a risk and told the girl she loved her. Awww! I’d say that was...