
August 22, 2021


I had fun with my girls. And, no, I did NOT tell them about Dwayne’s phenomenal woohoo skills. I don’t mind being honest and telling them what happened. They would...

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August 21, 2021


Laurant stormed off, leaving me with hurt pride and negative self talk. He always had a way of hurting me with the truth. This theme of selfishness keeps repeating, and...

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August 19, 2021


My baby looks so much like her father now. Like, just shrink Ali into a child’s body and slap a wig on him, and that’s Alessia. It’s ok. I know...

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July 29, 2021


Today was most definitely a test of patience. I hoped it would be better, but it seems the Watcher is punishing me already. Despite getting an extra hour of sleep,...

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July 20, 2021


I enjoyed seeing Laurant, Diamond, and Darius having what looked to be a fun and civil family conversation. Because I don’t talk to him anymore, I don’t know how things...

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May 22, 2021


We got home in just enough time for me to bake a cake for my sweetheart. I think we both do a good job of giving and taking, but I...

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May 21, 2021


I felt better when I woke up, but Mr. Cute Face was not a happy camper; he was starving! I in no way want to see my child miserable, but...

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May 18, 2021


Hello, first trimester. We meet again.  😑😑😑  I can’t say I missed this. It was such a beautiful, warm spring day, and Mommy kicked us out of the house and...

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May 17, 2021


My initial reaction was to tense up and brace for another heated fight. But despite what Dwayne suggested, I still saw Laurant as a friend. He clearly still holds me...

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