
April 30, 2021


I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant. It’s been really nice having Mommy around, taking care of Luca so we can sleep and get stuff done. Ali and I have been taking...

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April 29, 2021


Eventually we all tore ourselves away from the little guy and let him sleep. Poor thing. He was so cranky because he just wanted to get 40 winks while we...

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April 28, 2021


I made it halfway through breakfast before the labor pains started. Like, knowing I was due at any second, it was still so sudden. No warning signal. No heads up....

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April 17, 2021


It was such a gloomy day. 4:30 a.m. didn’t differ much from 8:30 a.m. Ali went to work, and I decided to chill again. I needed to because Watcher knows...

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April 14, 2021


After Gemma left, I had myself a little dance party. Her visit made me so happy, I couldn’t contain myself. I’d only been mourning Hunter for two days, but it...

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April 13, 2021


I made some mushroom soup and forced myself to eat, even though that’s not what I wanted to do. I also knew I couldn’t avoid Shiloh anymore and took her...

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April 12, 2021


The Grim Reaper came and took away our friend. I thought to plead for his life, but it was his time and I’d only have to go through all of...

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April 12, 2021


Monday morning came quickly. Too quickly. My goal was to wake up early to make something fresh and special for Ali’s first day of work. But the baby had another...

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April 8, 2021


Shiloh had her own ways of expressing her displeasure in something…or someone. Most of the time she simply ignored the situation and reminded me she was my first love. I’d...

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March 27, 2021


I woke up dancing. This was both the best and worst year of my life. But at midnight, I’d get to close out this year and welcome a brand new...

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