The Piersons

January 10, 2020

For the record, as much as they’ve been talking and texting over the past months, in my mind they would have known all of this about each other already. This date...

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January 10, 2020

The Oasis Springs part of her life was the best. She was young, even more innocent, and didn’t have too many cares in the world. Most of the time, it...

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January 10, 2020

Nick called around noon. Class let out mere minutes before, and Melany hadn’t left campus yet. “I was thinking about you, and ummm … Do you wanna grab some coffee or...

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January 10, 2020

Nick called around noon. Class let out mere minutes before, and Melany hadn’t left campus yet. “I was thinking about you, and ummm … Do you wanna grab some coffee or...

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January 9, 2020

😂 One thing Melany loves about, a.) living with a friend, and, b.) having only one roommate, is how free she can be. She can dance all over the kitchen...

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January 9, 2020

I meeeeean…you can tell us a lil something, Mel. We don’t need a press conference. Just a lil Tweet or post on Simstagram…something!

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January 9, 2020

Nadia is all about reaching for the stars and excellence, I see. I hope Nate is ready…with his fog machines and cheerleaders. smh

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