Generation 1 · January 18, 2021 0


These last few teen days have been a doozy. My poor baby has been so confused and upset. Last week, Winston told me they had a little heart to heart before school one day. She was concerned because she didn’t know what she wanted to do after her birthday, but all her friends did. He told her not to compare herself to anyone because everyone is different and not on the same playing field. Even though her birthday is in just a few days, she has plenty of time to figure herself out. Whether she wants to go to university, move out, or stay with us, we will take care of everything. She will have zero needs. He went out on a limb and asked if she’d been thinking about college, and she said no. He reassured her that was fine and gave her a fun yet serious task. He told her to think about where she wants to live. When she’s settled on a location, we’ll buy her a little house. She didn’t say much, but he said he thinks she appreciated the chat.

This week was a whole new ball game, and I’m so glad I caught this one instead of Winston. I do not doubt his ability to handle our child, but this was definitely more female stuff. She came home crying! She broke my heart and made me want to fight at the same time.


Once she calmed down enough to speak, it sounded like she may be dealing with some mean girls at school. We all had them at some point. Heck, those mean girls grow up and follow us into adulthood as petty llama snots! She said the other students are always staring at her and whispering. Poor baby. The pressure of not knowing what’s going on or why must have gotten to her. She said she’s been so clumsy, running into people and tripping over everything, and getting called out in class for being spaced out. It’s so hard to do anything right when everyone is judging you. My poor baby!!


I expected this day for a while. With the way the world is now, it’s inevitable. I taught her about mean girls and haters: a subject I know so well I should probably have an honorary degree. Sims who go out of their way to mortify us  actually admire us. There is something in us that resonates with something they lack but desire to have, and it bothers them a great deal. They’re jealous. That’s the long and short of it. Being doubtful of herself and hiding from everyone is exactly what they want, so I encouraged her not to let them win. I reminded her how intelligent, beautiful, kind, thoughtful, respectful, funny, well-mannered and sweet she is. Everyone loves her, and those mean girls know it. Nothing they say will ever change that…unless she lets them win.


I think she appreciated the chat and felt better. When she was younger, I tried to help her tap into her inner artist by taking her to the art gallery, but that was a bust. Since art isn’t her thing, and I still believe she has untapped creative potential, I suggested she start a blog to get her feelings out when she’s unable to articulate them. Maybe she’s a writer like me. She said she’ll try it but isn’t sure she’ll like it. The only way to know is to try, so I hope it works out for her.
