Mommy made me leave so she could talk to Ali alone. I know I previously said she didn’t scare me, but I was so nervous. I made up every excuse why I shouldn’t leave the house, but eventually she kicked me out.
“Good grief, Emerald! I’m not gonna kill him! I just want to talk to my son-in-law! It’s not like you’ve given me any time to get to know him. Now, go!”
Shiloh was asleep, so I grabbed Hunter for a walk. He was always down for a stroll.

I circled the house a few times with butterflies in my stomach. If only I had one of those listening devices those crazies in Strangerville sold. I needed to know what she was saying to him! Would she really sabotage my relationship? Did she really think he forced me to do this?
I needed to calm down, so I walked closer to the beach. I knew my mother. She loved me. Sometimes too much. She never harmed me before and always had my back. Heh, even when I was guilty. She and Dwayne were my ride or die team. I sat in the sand for a moment, and Hunter put his head in my lap. My furry sweetie! It’s almost like he was telling me everything was fine. Mommy was right. This relationship went from zero to 100 in literally a day. She and Ali had fun at Harvestfest, but she didn’t really know him. So I gave them more time and walked across the entire island.

It was just about dark when we got back. I found Mommy and Ali still chatting in the kitchen. She had made dinner, but he wanted to wait and eat with me. How sweet! Even though I accepted that no harm was done, I still didn’t know what they talked about. She could have done some Jedi Mom trick and chopped him up with a smile or something.
“Are you ok?” I asked.

He nodded. “Everything’s peachy.”
If that didn’t sound suspicious…
Mommy laughed. “Girl, eat your food! I didn’t mess with your boo thang. I’m going to bed and I have a lot to do in the morning, so uhhhh…remember my room is right under yours. Try to keep the noise to a minimum.”

“Oh, Watcher! GOODNIGHT, Mommy!”
“Goodnight, Mrs. Crenshaw.”
“Please, son. Call me Amina. Mrs. Crenshaw makes me sad.”