Generation 2 · February 18, 2021 0


The next item on my bucket list was to vacation with friends. But as my relationship with most of my friends is too complicated right now, I turned it into vacation with a friend. Mommy asked me a million ways what friend I was traveling across the world with, but I never told her. I didn’t really care what she would think, but I really didn’t want to have a long conversation about it. I wanted to go to El Selvadorada to learn the Rumbasim. Sure, I can watch videos on SimTube, but I have the money and I’ve always wanted to do a big trip without my parents, so why not? I chose my dear friend Dwayne Pancakes as my companion because I know he wants to get into archaeology. He’s the only one of my friends that would truly appreciate the experience. Plus, I like him, I trust him, and we have no drama.

I also brought Shiloh! Mommy tried hard to get me to leave Shiloh with her, but I said no. Shiloh is my baby! She’s always left at home! She deserves some fun and adventure too. But Mommy went on and on and on about how it could be dangerous to bring her in the jungle because there will be snakes and spiders and bats and all kinds of creatures Shiloh has never seen before, and she could get seriously hurt. I side eyed her so hard. So this is what she’ll be like with grandchildren, huh? Being super worried about them being in the exact same situation I’m in but not giving two hoots about me? HA! I told her Shiloh is mine and I’ll take her where I want! That was the end of that.