Generation 3 · April 24, 2024 0

3.112 Cutting ties

Love Day came upon us again, and it was so nice to have someone to celebrate with. Someone to celebrate, period. Sophia and I rarely did things traditionally, and I continued that trend by asking her out on a breakfast date. I suggested Vivianna’s because it was the first place that came to mind, and I really liked their food. But Sophia was in goofball mode and said I wanted to see my girlfriend. I didn’t like her saying that, but I loved seeing her in high spirits in those days, so I let it ride. When we got there, the host seated us at the same table from last time, and that sent her even more.

“It’s a sign, Luca! If she’s our server again, it’s means you were meant to be.”

I shook my head at her.

“You are way too high on life right now.”

She gasped, still giggling at her silly joke.

“Luca! She’s here! I think she’s coming this way!”

I was still shaking my head when Yasmine walked up.

“Happy Love Day,” she said drily. “Y’all don’t have restaurants in Oasis Springs?”

“Of course we do,” Sophia said before I had a chance to even think of a response. “But we love this one.”

“Hmph. You must really love this food. I wouldn’t unfriend someone and still show up at their job. Are you ready to order?”

Sophia looked at me in surprise but also trying to hide more giggles.

“Uhh…yeah, we’re ready,” I said, unsure if I should even respond to the first part.

When I finally looked at her, I saw her face matched her dry tone. Generally, she wasn’t the cheeriest sim, but something was off. Granted, I was probably the last sim she wanted to see, but she should have been over that. Something else had to be going on, and I asked if she was okay.

“What do you care? I can’t do this right now. I’ll send someone else.”

She hurried away into the kitchen, leaving us utterly confused.

“What in the world was that?” Sophia asked. “And you unfriended her?”

“Yeah! She’s been sending me mean messages ever since-“

“You broke up?”

“Would you stop with that?? She wasn’t my girlfriend!”

I couldn’t understand why she found this situation so amusing. It annoyed me, but her laughter was so contagious. I couldn’t help but laugh, too.

“Did she look different to you?” I asked.

“Sure did. I think she’s pregnant.”

Pregnant? Yasmine? No way.”

“She’s definitely pregnant, babe.”

“How do you know? She’s not showing.”

“Women know these things!”

“Hmph. Some sims don’t need to be parents,” I said under my breath. At least I thought I did.


“What? It’s true. She doesn’t want kids right now. And she’s mean…self-absorbed… Can you imagine her raising children?”

“I mean…I don’t disagree, but… It’s still not a nice thing to say. Maybe taking care of someone else will be good for her.”

Nice or not, I meant every word. It was hard not to get upset about it. Sims all around us kept popping up pregnant unexpectedly while Sophia and I woohoo’d each other’s brains out to no avail. WE want a baby! Why can’t won’t it happen for us? It wasn’t fair. But I didn’t want to ruin our date with my petty, jealous thoughts. That rant would have to remain in my head.

“Anyway… You excited about moving tomorrow?”

“You know it! I can hardly believe it.”

“Yeah, seriously. I’ve been thinking about that house for so long… I have to keep reminding myself this is real life.”

My Social Bunny chime went off, so I checked to see who sent me a message.

“Oh…it’s Maira.”

“Why do you say it like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re surprised your friend is messaging you.”

“I’m not surprised. It’s just…I don’t know. Every time I hear from her, I feel bad.”

“How come?”

“Because I’m such a bad friend to her.”

Sophia’s lip poked out.

“I highly doubt that.”

“It’s true though! I never call her. She’s always the one reaching out. Even back in the day it was like that. When I was open to dating her…well, she says we did date, but whatever. I got mixed signals, so I kinda stopped putting energy into our friendship. Then I met Yasmine-“

“While you were talking to me,” she said sarcastically.

Like a light switch flicking on, I understood why she continued to joke about me and Yasmine. She still felt some kind of way about realizing she wasn’t the only one I was talking to, and this was her brand of petty behavior. I shook my head because I knew she would never let that go.

Yes, I was talking to you. I met Yasmine and Chi Chi-“

“I thought you didn’t date her.”

“I didn’t. She came to my classes a lot and invited me to her house a few times.”

She eyed me suspiciously, but I continued my story.

“Dating, having female friends, and all of that was new to me. I didn’t know how to say no to her. I couldn’t say no to her; you know how she is. And I was talking to you on top of dealing with my own issues… It was a crazy time, and I didn’t know how to handle it all, so I ended up neglecting Maira. I feel bad because it wasn’t like that in the beginning.”

“You didn’t have any distractions then.”

“Yeah…that’s true.”

“Do you think it’s time to let her go? Everyone’s not meant to be in your life forever.”

“I know. That might be part of the issue. I want to be a good friend while being respectful to you, but I honestly don’t know how she fits into my life anymore. But severing the relationship? I don’t think I want to do that. At least not yet.”

“Okay.” She turned back to her food and took a few bites before a very obvious idea let up her face. “Since we’re moving now, we should do a combo celebration! We can turn my birthday party into a housewarming party! Invite her to that.”

“Oooh good thinking! You know I married you for your brains.”

“Ah ha! The truth comes out.”