Generation 3 · September 12, 2024 0

3.166 Best fraaand

Sophia is still high on our late night shenanigans, just as I planned. I mean, she isn’t the type of woman who often wakes up in bad moods, but I couldn’t chance it for what I am about to ask. Just as she’s heading to the bathroom, I bring it up casually, as if I have just remembered it. No dirty looks so far, so I continue, putting special emphasis on Yasmine being concerned about her children. That part disarms her, like it did to me last night, even though she isn’t very guarded anyway. She is low key nosy like me, so she agrees we can go see her later that evening.

She goes to the bathroom, and I scoop up Desiree and head downstairs for breakfast. I have to pee too, so I set her on the play mat because the pooping together era is over. Twenty-ish seconds later, I go back to put her in the high chair but she isn’t there! I stare at the empty play mat for a few seconds, trapped in a vortex of terror. I lost my child! How in the world could I lose my child in the house? Where did she go that fast?? This house isn’t that big, and she can’t climb stairs or open doors, so I shake myself out of that brief paralysis and look for her. That’s when I hear cute little grunts steps just a few steps from me. She’s trying to pull herself up on the couch! Wait…she’s crawling?! This little lady has been full of surprises, and I’m so proud that she is figuring things out on her own and exploring what she can do with these new skills she’s learned, but I can’t fully shake myself out of that panic mode and keep beating myself up for leaving her alone in the first place.

Pulling up is relatively safe, but I don’t want her hitting her head on the coffee table if she falls back the wrong way. But she’s having so much fun, and I don’t want to impede her adventures, so I pick her up and put her some place more safe to crawl around. We really need to baby proof this place now.

I watch her for a few moments, in awe that we didn’t have to teach her how to crawl. The dogs ran in from outside and saw Desiree crawling around, so Kooper came to meet her, officially. Honestly, I was surprised it was him and not Rosie considering her curiosity. He sat right next to her, and Desi’s eyes lit up like she had just discovered something magical. She reached out and touched him, and Kooper, my little Lothario, gave her a big kiss right on the nose. Desi did not know what to do with that.

She seemed put off by it at first, but then he went in for another and she giggled and tried to block him. He and I are gonna have a chat later about boundaries and respecting women, tee hee hee.

If I didn’t know what infant joy looked like before, I know now. Desi’s world has been completely changed for she’s now experienced puppy love, heh. I am sooooo glad I got them those age down treats. Desi has a friend now, and her life will never be the same.